What is 100 Kids Who Care Windsor?
Want to develop a little Philanthropist?
100 Kids intends to show that philanthropy comes from the willingness to help and that anyone can contribute, regardless of age, gender or their net worth. 100 Kids wants to inspire the next generation of philanthropists by providing a forum to help and contribute to local charities. Let’s show our children the true spirit and joy of giving and let them see what a difference their contributions make.
How does this work?
- Attend and commit to 4 meetings per year with a time commitment of 4 hours total.
- Each child donates $10 per meeting to charity.
- 100% of their donation is given to charity.
- 100 Kids members can nominate a local charity. Nominations must be submitted at least three days before the meeting.
- 3 charities will be randomly selected at the night of the meeting.
- The 3 charities will be introduced by the children who nominated them.
- Nominators (the children) can speak for 1 or 2 minutes about their charity.
- Parents are not permitted to represent their children during the speech portion.
- Members (the children) will vote for a charity they want to donate to.
- Parent can vote on the behalf of children who are too young to vote.
- Majority rule - the charity with the most votes will receive the group's collective donations.
- Group is open to children 5-13 years of age.
What do kids get out of this?
They learn the spirit of giving at a young age. They learn the importance of giving back to the community. They learn that you don't have to be wealthy to give. They will meet new friends and strengthen the bonds of existing friendships. They learn a democratic approach to decision making. They learn that giving is FUN!!
Please join us at our next meeting:
We continue to be dedicated to continue our group's work to teach the children of Windsor/ Essex the value of philanthropy at a young age. However with the global health pandemic that we are all facing right now we are forced to postpone all meetings until the crisis has come to an end and our local health authorities confirm that we are safe to resume normal activities. Our group's mandate is to meet 4 times per year however 2020 may be a little different. We will meet as many times as the situation allows. Please check back on our site later in the year for info about our next meeting. Please self isolate, stay safe and healthy. "This too shall pass".....
Mark and Nicole Dupuis
Co-Chairs- 100 Kids Who Care Windsor/ Essex